Review FAQ

     There are 2 types of reviews that will be present on this blog:
    1. Quick Reviews: These reviews are as objective as possible and are quick overviews of the game (so they are spoiler free). Scored by an average grading scale and a look into the technical reviews of the game.
    2. Reviews: These reviews will also mirror what is posted in the Quick Reviews but go into details about the overall game experience and may contain spoilers. Since these are more extensive they will most likely be released later than the Quick Reviews

    These are the main aspects focused on and scored on in the reviews.
    1. Gameplay - The most important part of the game is how it works and how you interact with the medium. Particularly the way you play in this game and how the controls work with it.
    2. Story - Another integral part of a game is it's story, though not all games may have a story. It is the reason a player continues to play.
    3. Audio - Evoking the mood or just being an interesting composition. The music and sound effects in a game can really bring the setting and story alive.
    4. Graphics - Important to a lot of people these days (not too much for me) it is important for the graphics to make use of the system the game was made for and to fit within it's artistic world.
    5. Style/Charm - This is kind of a Bonus category. Some game have a gimmick or a specific style all it's own. What sets the game apart from the countless other ones that may have the same premise.
     This is just the basic grading scale of the categories. A +/- scale is also added when necessary to denote a positive or negative rating on it's grade.